Do you know what flying termites are? If not, you’re in for a surprise! Flying termites are just like regular termites, except they have wings and can fly. They are often mistaken for ants, but there are several ways to tell them apart. Maitland Pest Exterminators can explain the differences between flying termites and ants, as well as how to get rid of them if they become a problem.
Maitland Pest Exterminators have years of experience dealing with termites. We can assist you to identify and exterminate them. If you think you might have termites, contact the Maitland Pest Exterminators team today.
The Different Termite Species
There are lots of different names for termites in Australia, which can get confusing. Some of the most common include:
- White ants
- Subterranean termites
- Flying termites
- Termite Alates
The most important thing to remember is that not all termites can fly. In fact, most cannot. It’s only the older members of the colony (known as alates or swarmers) that can.
Alates leave the safety of their nests in order to mate and start new colonies. This usually happens during the summer months, when conditions are right for termites to fly. Billions of termites go in search of a new place to start a termite nest.
You’ll know if you have flying termites on your property because you’ll see them swarm. Swarms usually happen at the end of a humid day.
Flying Termites Australia
Many people are familiar with the damage that termites can cause to homes and other structures. These small insects feed on wood, and their tunnelling can weaken the support beams of a house, eventually leading to collapse. What some people may not know is that there are actually two types: ground-dwelling and flying.
While both types can cause destruction, flying termites are particularly destructive because they can quickly spread to new areas. Unlike their ground-dwelling cousins, these termites have wings and can travel long distances in search of food. They are often attracted to light, which means that they are often drawn to homes and other buildings. As a result, it is important to be on the lookout for these termites, as they can quickly cause extensive damage.
White Ants vs Termites
Sometimes people ask us the difference between white ants and termites. There is no real difference. White ants are termites. As their name suggests, flying termites have wings and can fly long distances in search of new food sources. These insects are typically dark brown or black in colour, and they are often mistaken for winged ants. However, termites are usually slightly larger than ants and have a narrower waist.
Do Flying Termites Eat Wood?
Like all termites, flying termites eat cellulose material and wood. While most live in underground colonies and only come to the surface to mate and establish new colonies, flying termites (also known as alates) leave their nests in search of mates and new wood sources. Once they find a mate, they shed their wings and begin tunnelling into the wood to start a new colony. This process repeats itself as the colony grows larger and needs more food. While Termites primarily eat wood, they will also consume other organic materials such as paper, insulation, and even drywall. As a result, an infestation of these pests can cause significant damage to a structure if left unchecked.
How To Get Rid of Flying Termites?
Maitland Pest Exterminators have years of experience dealing with termites and we can help you eradicate them. We provide a wide range of treatment services including:
- Flying termite barriers
- White ant inspection
- White ant treatment
- Flying termite pest control
Maitland Pest Exterminators can eradicate flying termites from your home or office. We use the latest technology and equipment to get the job done quickly and efficiently. You will never have to worry about flying termites again when you hire Maitland Pest Exterminators. We guarantee our work and we are always here to help you with any pest control needs you may have.
Contact us today for a free consultation!
Why you should choose us for your pest control needs
Safe For Your Family & Pets
We use trusted brands and industry leading products. This means our termite control products are safe for your family and pets.
Fast Termite Control
Our Pest & Termite Control services are fast and effective. By using leading brands and industry standard techniques, we provide pest and termite erradication in a fast and effective manner.
Same Day Response
We offer a same day response to ensure that the termites in your premises are eradicated in the shortest time possible.