Maitland Pest Exterminators are the leading experts in lice pest control. If you are experiencing a lice infestation, we can help! Our team of experienced professionals will work to rid your home of these pests quickly and effectively. We understand how frustrating and embarrassing lice can be, and we are here to help.
What are Lice?
Lice are small insects that live on the human scalp and feed on human blood. They are greyish-white in colour and can be difficult to spot with the naked eye. Lice eggs (nits) are even smaller and are glued to individual hairs near the base of the scalp. If you suspect you have lice, it’s important to seek treatment right away, as they can spread quickly from person to person.
Symptoms of Lice
The most common symptom of lice is an itching sensation on the scalp. Other symptoms may include redness, sores, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. If you suspect you have lice, it’s important to consult a professional so that they can properly diagnose and treat the problem.
How to Spot a Lice Infestation
The first sign of a lice infestation is usually an itchy scalp. You may notice head or neck scratching, or you may see signs of inflammation in the skin that are caused by bites from the lice. If you suspect your child has lice, look for the small, greyish-white nits or eggs that attach to individual hairs.
It can be difficult to spot nits on dark-coloured hair, so look closely for any signs of movement. Other potential indicators include irritability and sleep disturbances due to intense itching. If you suspect your child has lice, it is important to seek treatment immediately to mitigate further infestation and prevent complications.
Are Lice Dangerous?
Lice are dangerous and highly contagious parasites that can cause severe itching, infection, and even anaemia. They live on the scalp of their host animal or human, feeding on blood and other fluids in order to survive. While humans are most commonly affected by lice outbreaks, animals such as dogs and cats are also at risk if they come into contact with lice. Moreover, they can be difficult to get rid of once they have taken hold, as louse eggs (called nits) attach themselves tightly to the base of hair shafts. This makes treatment both challenging and unpleasant for those who are infected. Because of these risks, it is important that we take steps to protect ourselves from lice outbreaks wherever possible.
Lice Pest Control
Maitland Pest Exterminators is the leading provider of effective lice removal services in the local area. We have a team of knowledgeable technicians who are trained to target and eradicate all types of head lice, from the very common to rare strains. Our proven removal techniques utilise the latest in scientific research and cutting-edge technology. Thus ensuring that our clients’ infestations are effectively treated and eradicated with minimal invasiveness and downtime.
Whether you need help with a child’s or an adult’s lice problem or you’re trying to take preventive measures against future outbreaks, Maitland Pest Exterminators can help. We have the expertise and resources to complete the job quickly, safely, and effectively.